Places: These works explore the nature of place with particular focus on the idea of the existential insider (Relph 1976). They are about being comfortable in places and inhabiting them as some one who belongs. The viewer is invited to find their own place within the work through the experience of viewing.
Dimensions Height X Width X Depth
Dimensions Height X Width X Depth
Paddock Remnant, 2018, universal lock fencing wire, corrugated iron, black pipe, grass, pastel, 95 X 280 X 280 cm
Paddock Near By , 2016, universal lock fencing wire, rusted tins, grass, pastel, galvanized iron sheet, 100 X 300 X 300 cm
Late Summer Haze, 2012, sticks, steel, grass, soot, ochre, 120 X 300 X 100 cm
On Dusk, 2013, sticks, steel, soot, ochre, 120 X 400 X 150 cm
Something About Farming... 2006, fencing wire, sheep fleece. dimensions variable
Daily Traces 2001, corrugated iron, steel, salt, oats, sunflower seeds, 75 X 220 X 440 cm
Respite, 2001, corrugated iron, wire, tea, sugar, 72 X 40 X 520 cm
Heartland, 1996, timber stakes, steel, soot, acrylic paint, 180 X 400 X 600 cm